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Cel-Fi GO G41 Repeater Kit for Fringe or Hilly Areas - Telstra, Optus, Voda/TPG


  • Complete package with an Externally Mounted Donor Antenna, Cabling, Cel Fi Go Repeater & a Wall Mounted Distribution Antenna

  • Compatible with Telstra or Optus or Vodafone - the Go will allow you to select which one upon Registration

  • Switch between the Cellualar Bands via the Wave App - Apple and Android

  • Supports all frequency bands for Telstra & Optus

  • Vodafone-TPG all supported with the exception of Band28

  • Two band simultaneous relay - Up to 40MHz


The Cel Fi Go Repeater for the is a convenient solution for those experiencing poor phone coverage within the Home or Office.

Installing this device in your home can improve the reliability of phone calls, text messages, and increase 3G & 4G services.

This is a complete repeater system designed to provide indoor coverage.

The wideband Directional Log Periodic Antenna is ideal for for areas with hills or dense vegetation causing low signal, typically the tower is within 15-20km from your location.

The LPDA Antenna is connected to the repeater via a run of super low loss ultraflexible LCU400 cable with an SMA fitting, which allows the 15m cable to directly connect to the Cel Fi Go’s input connector. 

The Cel Fi will need to be located near a Power Source, as it is supplied power by a standard 240v Plug.

The Cel Fi Repeater is then connected to another run of the 5m LCU400 which is run out to the location where you wish to install the Distribution Antenna.

With the Wall Mounted Panel Antenna the Repeater provides enough boost to create a 100° arc of Coverage out over a 20-60m, with some customers reporting signal out past the 100m mark. 

Like all wireless systems, the coverage area is reduced by the signal travelling through thick walls or floors, so the actual coverage area will vary depending on your unique situation. 



1 x Cel-Fi GO G41 Smart Signal Repeater

1 x 15m LCU-400 cable to connect your receiving signal antenna to the repeater

1 x 5m LCU-400 cable to connect your distribution signal antenna to the repeater

1 x receiving signal antenna -  RFI 8-12dBi 3G+4G+4GX LPDA Antenna

1 x distribution signal antenna - wall mounted panel (5-8dBi Directional Multiband Panel Antenna)


Please note: This Kit does not include a mounting Pole/Mast, this will need to be purchased separately if you dont already have one.


Network Compatibility of the LPDA antenna

Telstra 4GX (700MHz) 10dBi gain

Optus 4G+ (700MHz) 10dBi gain

Telstra Next-G™ (850MHz) 11dBi gain

Vodafone 4G+ (850MHz) 11dBi gain

Optus Regional 3G (900MHz) 11dBi gain

Vodafone Regional 3G (900MHz) 11dBi gain

915MHz ISM Band 11dBi gain

Telstra/Optus/Voda 4G (1800MHz) 11dBi gain

All carriers - Urban/Metro 3G (2100MHz) 11dBi gain

Optus 4G/Vivid Wireless (2300MHz) 11dBi gain

802.11 b/g/n/ac WiFi (2400MHz) 11dBi gain

LTE Bands 1 - 10, 12 - 20, 23 - 41,11dBi gain

Future 5G Bands (3.GHZ) 2.3dBi gain

Cel-Fi GO G41 Repeater Kit

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